A new standard in wellness

While law enforcement has long understood the necessity of physical fitness, it is only recently that they’ve begun to understand how overall wellness integrates with their departments mission.

Departments utilizing wellness programs consistently see less sick time use, higher job satisfaction, higher rates of staff retention, and reduced permanent disability claims. In addition, departments that equip their officers to better deal with both the physical and mental demands of law enforcement work see less civilian complaints and better officer safety and community relations.


Until now, most wellness programs have been limited to generalized recommendations on diet, lifestyle, and exercise. Mission First Partners has created a new standard in wellness we call medical wellness. Medical components of our wellness programs are created and supervised by a licensed board certified physician based on principles of evidence based medicine. 

Our programs focus not only on general health, they also focus on the three medical conditions that are the main cause of untimely death in law enforcement officers: diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease. Our unique view of wellness will not only improve the overall health of your department. It will address these critical medical conditions, not only improving your officers lives but in some cases saving them. 

Psychological components of our wellness program are supervised by a Doctoral level clinical psychologist who is also a career law enforcement officer. Our Psychological Survival School training dovetails perfectly with our wellness programs to provide 360 degree coverage for your department. 

Since we believe in engaging in all areas of wellness including financial wellness, we have partnered with law enforcement specific financial advisors and attorneys to help officers grow, manage, and protect their assets in these uncertain times.  These experts can assist officers with everything from investment, financial, and estate planning advice, to the creation of irrevocable trusts to protect officers assets in areas where qualified immunity has been rolled back or revoked.

From these base elements, our programs are fully scalable to address whatever needs an individual department has. Weight management, smoking cessation, diet and nutrition, personal training, incentivization and reward programs, and almost any other service can be added to create a program unique to your department.

The only limit is your imagination.
In 2019
Officers were killed LOD
took their own lives
1 every
In 2019 police related lawsuits cost
$ 0 m
the NYPD
$ 0 m
the LAPD
$ 0 m
the Chicago PD
In June of 2020
state legislatures had introduced, amended or passed
bills and resolutions related to policing

There are over

law enforcement agencies in the United States, less than
0 %
have programs in place addressing officer mental health.

Our Mission is You

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